GW2Scratch EVTC Analytics
GW2Scratch.EVTCAnalytics is a library for reading and analyzing EVTC logs generated by arcdps, an addon for Guild Wars 2.
Note that the EVTC Analytics library is currently unstable and mainly used by our other projects. The plan is to stabilize the API in a near future and provide NuGet packages once it is ready.
The library currently targets netstandard2.1
- Get raw agent, skill and combat item data from logs
- Get agents and processed events with structured data
- Get encounter results, modes, and more
In case you need in-depth statistics, you should check out the Elite Insights project.
Usage example
For further details, read Getting started.
string filename = "example.zevtc";
var parser = new EVTCParser(); // Used to read a log file and get raw data out of it
var processor = new LogProcessor(); // Used to process the raw data
// The parsed log contains raw data from the EVTC file
ParsedLog parsedLog = parser.ParseLog(filename);
// The log after processing the raw data into structured events and agents.
Log log = processor.ProcessLog(parsedLog);
// At this point, we can do anything with the processed data, and use the LogAnalyzer
// for easy access to most common results with caching.
var analyzer = new LogAnalyzer(log);
Encounter encounter = analyzer.GetEncounter();
// Encounter names are available for some languages, we use the target name if it's not.
if (EncounterNames.TryGetEncounterNameForLanguage(GameLanguage.English, encounter, out string name))
Console.WriteLine($"Encounter: {name}");
Console.WriteLine($"Encounter: {log.MainTarget?.Name ?? "unknown target"}");
Console.WriteLine($"Result: {analyzer.GetResult()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Mode: {analyzer.GetMode()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Duration: {analyzer.GetEncounterDuration()}");
// The processed log allows easy access to data about agents
foreach (var player in log.Agents.OfType<Player>())
Console.WriteLine($"{player.Name} - {player.AccountName} - {player.Profession} - {player.EliteSpecialization}");
// Events may be accessed as well
foreach (var deadEvent in log.Events.OfType<AgentDeadEvent>())
if (deadEvent.Agent is Player player)
Console.WriteLine($"{player.Name} died at {deadEvent.Time}.");